Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Tickled Pink If ...

I would love it if Zoescope could genuinely help the following groups of people ...

  1. People seeking to live a Valuable Life
  2. Parents seeking to Prepare and Equip their Children for Real Life
  3. Students (People seeking to Learn and Apply valuable Knowledge)

People seeking to live a Valuable Life
When I think of these people, which I am one of, one of our struggles is that often times we didn't "get the memo" that life can be pretty darn hard, and it's filled with pesky details. Hopefully Zoescope can help take the random, chaotic feel out of some parts of life, and give us greater ability to be effective and consistent.

Parents seeking to Prepare and Equip their Children for Real Life
This goes hand in hand with the above. There are so many basic, invaluable skills we as regular parent can pass on to our kids "as we go". It doesn't have to be a huge separate undertaking. It can happen while we live and learn to enjoy each other.

Students (People seeking to Learn and Apply valuable Knowledge, As If! )
When I think of the mountains of data that we are cramming down our children's throats, it greatly disturbs. We send them to school. We give them all sorts of details, often out of context, and hardly ever with genuine application, and then we expect them to be productive citizens of society (as opposed to pleasure enjoying self-focused solely individuals).

This may sound a bit harsh, and need some toning down for public consumption, but hey, it is what it is :)

I need your help in finding how to communicate and apply Zoescope!


Monday, April 25, 2005

A Language may be Universal, but not always Necessary i.e. ASL

I have been thinking that since Zoescope is a language, then everyone should want to learn it.

But if we take American Sign Language, ASL, as an example, anyone can use it to communicate, but we don't necessarily NEED it. Those who can hear often don't have a pressing need.

We need to think of who NEEDS Zoescope as a language to serve them in their present efforts


Those who are seeking to truly learn something well
  • Young People Learning, i.e. Students
  • Self Improvement Fans
  • Professionals Seeking to Grow
  • Spiritual Learners
    (Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.)

Those who are seeking to help those listening or watching to capture what they are saying.
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Presenters
  • Authors

Those who are seeking to improve what they are doing!
  • Business Leaders
  • Project Managers
  • Knowledge Workers
  • Operational Managers
  • Individual Contributers
... more to come.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The One Thing You Need To Know ...

Marcus Buckingham, in his book "The One Thing You Need To Know", reveals what he believes are three key truths.

For Great Managing (p.83)

Discover What is Unique About Each Person
... and Capitalize on It.

For Great Leading  (p. 132)

Discover what is Universal  (e.g. a Better Future)
... and Capitalize on It.

For Sustained Individual Success (p, 217)
(Defintion: Sustained Success means making the greatest possible impact over the longest period of time. p.224)

Discover what You Don't Like Doing
... and Stop doing it.

Think about how Zoescope serves these ends.

Discovering Uniqueness
We can use the Biography Zoescope to think about and capitalize on what is unique about each person. Their personalities, their strengths, their character, their learning style, and these all have a place.

Discovering Universals
We can use the Value and Happiness Spectrums as well as what the Operation is pursuing to discover what is Universally valuable to all participants.

Sustained Individual Success
Use all of the Spectrums as well as the key three: Act(Work), Teamwork(Together), as well as Technical(Object & Tools) Skills, to both discover what you do and don't like to do. As well as being able to give a place to any key deficiencies in your life.

FYI, According to Zoescope,
( Act.Relating ) + ( Value & Happiness )
( Act.Working ) + ( Value & Authority )
Sustained Success
( Act.Work&Delight ) + ( Object & Tool & Person )

Our Vision

Better Lives.
  • Valuable & Connected
  • Meaningful & Delightful

Version 2

Better Thinking.
Better Choices.
Better Lives.

Version 1a

Better Living.
  • Valuable & Connected
  • Meaningful & Delightful

Version 1b

Better Living.
In all arenas of Life.
  • Valuable & Connected
  • Meaningful & Delightful

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Another List of When to Use Zoescope

Discover Your Course


Take Effective Action
Learn (Think)
Communicate (Say)
Proceed (Do)

Domains of Endeavors
Persons, Living as
Pursuits ( Professional, Passions, Pastimes )
Physical Universe
Philosophy of Life

more on how to apply this soon ... :)

Here is a test reference to the LifeClimb Pattern

Fantastic Quotes


Whoever is happy will make others happy too.
He who has courage and faith will never perish in misery.

In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.
Anne Frank (1929 - 1945)

If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 - 1968)

That's one small step for a man,
one giant leap for mankind.
Neil Alden Armstrong (1930 -  )

George C. Marshall

If man does find the solution for world peace
it will be the most revolutionary reversal
of his record we have enver known.

George C. Marshall

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Patton and Ingenuity

Use the Transformation Pattern to think about this statement.

Never tell people how to do things.
Tell them what to do
and they will surprise you
with their ingenuity.
General George S. Patton


Idea or Ideas in Action

Another quote that is worth considering using the PersonAct, and State concepts.

An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.
Who is truly affected by an idea?
Where does the idea truly reside?
Is it proven?


Quote Become the Change

Here's a good quote to think about using Zoescope ...

We must become the change we want to see in the world.

Mohandas Gandhi

What is a Language?

What is it for?

A language is a means to convey and communicate ideas.
(A means is a 'tool').

How does it do it?
A language is essentially a self-contained system of signs ( or symbols).
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001.

What is a symbol in the context of a language?
A symbol is an arbitrary and agreed upon (conventional) representation that holds shared meaning.

Symbols are letters, marks, sound, etc.

For Example:
If I say or write 'potato',
you know what I am talking about.

Not because the word 'potato' looks or sounds like a real potato,
but because you and I have agreed (and have been taught)
that the word 'potato' will represent a real potato.

In Summary
A language is a fantastic tool that enables you and I to communicate, to discuss, to think, to debate, to plan, to do all sorts of things with ideas. As we manipulate ideas, we can transform our attitudes, actions, and lives.

Monday, April 18, 2005

A Single Central Vision vs. Many Apparent Unrelated Ends

Quote near the beginning of the online paper ...

"For there exists a great chasm between those, on the one side, who relate everything to a single central vision, one system more or less coherent or articulate, in terms of which they understand, think and feel–a single, universal, organizing principle in terms of which alone all that they are and say has significance–and, on the other side, those who pursue many ends, often unrelated and even contradictory, connected, if at all, only in some de facto way, for some psychological or physiological cause, related by no moral or esthetic principle."–Isaiah Berlin {The Hedgehog and the Fox}.

Marvin Minsky


Blog Names z4jc

Possible Other Blog Names

gtkcuz - Christianity
gtkhuz - Hinduism
gtkjuz - Judaism
gtkphuz - Philosophy
gtkbuz - Business
gtkfuz - Friends


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Define Your Terms

If you wish to converse with me, define your terms.
Voltaire (1694 – 1778)

What a great quote! All communication depends upon a common understanding of terms. Of the symbols that we use to converse and deliberate with.

Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World's Greatest Philosophers (Old Paperback) p. 59

ApplyIt Concept List




ApplyIt Quotes

Try having fun with a favorite quote. Take it apart using the Zoescope concepts. Or try one of these ...

Leave the gun, take the cannoli.

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could ...
somewhere in my youth or childhood,
I must have done something good.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.
..... Will Rogers

The most important ingredient we put into any relationship
is not
what we say or what we do,
but what we are.

..... Stephen Covey





Friday, April 15, 2005

ApplyIt Simple Exercises

Simple Exercises to just get a feel for a few patterns

Event Awareness

Event Planning

ApplyIt Event Planning

A practical application ... use the concepts in the Event pattern to make sure you have thought of everything you need for a simple or big event.

Works as a great companion to the classic:
Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How

Events Ideas:
  • Birthday Party
  • Date / Anniversary
  • Small project in the yard, garage, at work
  • A meeting
  • Going to the park with your kids
  • Taking a trip (work or pleasure)
For example, when helping someone out with a half-day project at their house (like putting up boards in Florida before a hurricane) use the Event pattern as a visual checklist:

Au> How strong might the winds be?
Va> Safety!
Ha> When safe, its a good thing

Pe> You and your friend
To> You name it! Screws, Drill, Sawhorses, Sharpie, StraightEdge, etc.
Ob> Boards

Ch> Did we start early enough? What can we skip?
Ac> Plan of what to do, and when
St> From unprotected to secure and safe

ApplyIt Event Awareness

Simple Application using the "Event" Pattern

Just for practice or the fun of it ...

Awareness: In any Event that you come across, look for all of the concepts
  • News Story on TV, in Newspaper
  • Friend telling you an anecdote or Story
  • Part of a Movie or TV Show
For example, what concepts were present ...
  • when Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon?
  • when your neighbor's son ran over the baseball with the lawnmower?
  • when Luke Skywalker uses the force ... or pick a scene from "It's a Wonderful Life" ... or ...

When George pulls Zuzu's petals ...
  1. A: Allowed George to come back into the present
  2. H: He is ecstatic to have evidence of his daughter back
  3. V: His relationship is restored
  4. P: Him and Zuzu
  5. T: His jacket pocket
  6. O: The petals
  7. C: Happened to reach in his pocket
  8. A: Pulled them out
  9. S: Petals out of his pocket in his hand
I know this isn't compelling. Just shows they are all always present!

Great Intro with Jim O.

Had a great conversation with Jim O. today talking about Zoescope and its applications! Realizing that, sure this may be a new "horse", but what "cart's" can it pull.

Discussed how Mind Maps can be complimentary and mentioned a free java based tool which does mind mapping.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Tag Lines

Bringing Clarity to Thought, Word, and Deed


Bringing Clarity, Simplicity and Order
to Thought, Word, and Deed


Transforming Thought, Word, and Deed

How to Use Zoescope

Basic Categories to use Zoescope

1) Get Serious .... Attacking Real Needs & Challenges & Dreams
Learn, Communicate, Do --- Love & Lead

2) Increase Awareness, Appreciation, and Enjoyment .... Become more aware of life and the people around you

3) Have Fun .... Play & Experiment With It

----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
Top 10 Ways to have Zoescope serve you
  1. Life Literacy: Learn/Teach the ThoughtShape concepts to increase your life effectiveness (and thinking dexterity)

  2. When Learning: Use the ThoughtShape concepts to break down anything you are learning or dealing with to truly "own" and internalize the knowledge

  3. Plan and Assess your Life. Or to discuss yours/theirs with your spouse, your child, your friend, your mentor/apprentice.
    (Identify where you want to go, what you want to be)

  4. Learn the key 3-step Progressions to be more effective and notice their presence all around us

  5. Solve a Problem

  6. Make a Decision

  7. Think about your Vision, Mission, Purpose or Dreams

  8. Think about more clearly any event, story, etc. (News Story, Movie, Book, History, Future)

  9. Design a major project using the shapes and progressions

  10. Study, Communicate your or your "opponent's" philosophy or religion

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Definition Gratitude

Gratitude - a working definition

being glad for:

a good received

the good will of the giver

It's all about joy, and happiness, and peace in your heart,
BECAUSE you received a good, and someone cared to give it.

think about that ...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Need an Elevator Pitch

Yesterday, when talking to Jim O. he suggested that I need to work on my "Elevator Pitch". Boy was he right. I did a search. And wicked cool. Some new points came out.