Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Baddeley's model of working memory

Reference: Wikipedia

CLiC Pictures give you another tool to use on "your visuo-spatial sketchpad" while you're
  • listening,
  • conversing,
  • acting, or
  • assessing.
See Aaron Williamson's blog with illustration from Dave Gray's VizThink


George A. Miller strikes again! I've been fascinated with his idea of chunking in memory, i.e. 7 plus/minus 2 pieces of information at a time. He also developed a model for how we operate called TOTE.

My only addition (I always have to edit), is to add an E at the beginning.

  1. Enter
  2. Test
  3. Operate
  4. Test
  5. Exit


Monday, October 06, 2008

Raven Maps - Big Picture View of Earth

Raven Maps

Friday, October 03, 2008

More than meets the eye

CLiC Pictures are about seeing (the side of life that) what your eye cannot see.

or ...

CLiC Pictures are for seeing a side of life that your eye can't see.

or ...

CLiC Pictures are for seeing what your eye can't see.

or ...

CLiC Pictures are for seeing life in a way that your eyes can't see.

In every situation and with every person, there is much, much, more going on than meets the eye. CLiC Pictures give you the ability to see and consider what can easily escape your attention.

CLiCs and CLiC Pictures can help you ...
  • be Aware of more
  • Appreciate more
  • Achieve more

CLiCs and CLiC Pictures identify the parts of life and reveal how they fit and work together, giving you the ability to recognize patterns in life, and then leverage them to be more effective.

Idiom Research - There is more going on than meets the eye

There is more to something/someone than meets the eye.

something that you say when you think that something or someone is less simple than they seem to be at first.
  • There's more to this than meets the eye.
  • I suspect Tom's not telling the truth.

  • There must be more to him than meets the eye, or else why would she be interested in him?