Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Top Familiar Uses

Top 5 Familiar Uses

  1. Personal growth
  2. Learning and Communication

  3. Getting things done
  4. Building Relationships

  5. Leading our lives

Personal Growth
Assess our lives and our children's lives ... and fill in the gaps

Learning and Communication
Paying attention. Knowing what in the world is going on.

Getting things done
Discern where we really want to go. Determine best plans and strategies.
Execute following familiar steps.

Building Relationships
Appreciating a person's entire life.
Conversation ideas.

Leading our lives
Looking at the bigger picture, and determining what we need and want to do.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Unique Contribution of CLiCs

If we sent ourselves on a journey ... whether to ...
  • Hike the Appalachian Trail
  • Climb Mt. Everest
  • Travel the entire United States on foot
We would equip ourselves in several ways. We would need to ...
  • Know the kinds of things and situations we would encounter
  • Prepare ourselves with strengths and skills to deal with these
  • Bring a map of the area we would be covering and of the surrounding terrain

Now, life has often been compared to a journey or an adventure, and yet we leave our preparation to living this life to a much more haphazard approach than if we were making a trip of some sort.

CLiCs and CLiC Patterns identify ...
  • The general things and situations (items, influences, and interactions) we will encounter in life
  • We then must gain skill and strength to deal with these
CLiC Pictures
  • Help provide conceptual maps of life and the surrounding world.

The goal of CLiCs ... to serve as a type of inventory as we enlighten, equip, and envision ourselves for real living.

(CLiCs are Crucial Life Concepts)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fill in the blank

We have taken many tests with fill-in-the-blank required answers,
which fundamentally don't matter to our lives.

CLiCs identify
the blanks which we all must fill in
in order that we may live
successful and satisfying lives.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Life is NOT Simple

We ...

Life is not simple.
Life is not easy.

We don't know much.
We're not in charge.

So let's deal with it.


You ...
Life is not simple.
Life is not easy.

You don't know much.
You're not in charge.

So deal with it.

Conceptual Cartography

Not so much topography, but topology.

Identifying boundaries, places, scale, and interrelationships.

Cartography @ Wikipedia

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Quote - Stream of thought vs. Ordered

This is my living faith, an active faith, a faith of verbs:
to question, explore, experiment, experience, walk, run, dance, play, eat, love, learn, dare, taste, touch, smell, listen, argue, speak, write, read, draw, provoke, emote, scream, sin, repent, cry, kneel, pray, bow, rise, stand, look, laugh, cajole, create, confront, confound, walk back, walk forward, circle, hide, and seek.
To seek: to embrace the questions, be wary of answers.

-Terry Tempest Williams, naturalist and author (b. 1955)

Stream of thought is cool.
Ordered is cool, too.

Monday, May 12, 2008

CLiCs - A Conceptual WIKI

CLiCs are to store your ideas about WIKI.

W - wisdom
I - insight
K - knowledge
I - information


Friday, May 09, 2008

When life gives you lemons ...

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.

-M. Scott Peck, psychiatrist and author (1936-2005)

Idea Scope - Double Entendre - Scope as in Range or Reach

The double entendre at work for us
scope - (noun) providing a visual image

scope - (noun) the range, reach, extent, or spectrum

Another use for the Idea Scope is to appreciate the focus of a given conversation or endeavor. To see that the present topic is focusing on a particular part of life, and that in doing so, it is neglecting other areas of life. That's cool. It's not a bad thing. It's an awareness thing. Kind of like when using a menu at a restaurant. We look at the menu to consider the scope of our options. Then we have the privilege of choosing what to focus on, what to have, and what else to neglect. At least for that meal.

So when conversing, thinking, acting, or what have you, using the Idea Scope can help us know where we are in the world.

Seeing the physical ... and conceptual








idea scope

IdeaScope - Maybe the right metaphor

While thinking again about a way to describe what CLiCs, and CLiC Patterns and Pictures can do for us, I thought of the Idea Scope concept again.

Using an Idea Scope, we are able to see, not the physical, but the conceptual. An "Idea Scope" enables us to see the 16 ideas, conceptual features, that surround us throughout our lives.

We can ... somewhat like using Google Earth
  • Know what we are focusing on
    ... and know what we are neglecting as well

  • Zoom in and out and look around

  • See parts of life which are invisible

By using the Idea Scope, we can improve our ...
  • Listening & Comprehension
  • Retention & Recall
  • Application & Effectiveness
Whether you are a Leader, Learner, or Doer, you will benefit from the Idea Scope.

Call now to order your very own Idea Scope ;)

Should it be one word or two? Upper or Lower?

Idea Scope

... or ...

idea scope

... or ...


... or ...



Thursday, May 01, 2008

3 Levels To Use

There are three levels we could benefit from CLiC Pictures, Progressions and Spectrums.

Level 1 - Parts
Use the 16 parts of life to represent any situation or information, in order to learn, teach, or make a difference. In doing so, we also improve our mastery of these 16 central parts of life.

Level 1 - Existing Pictures
Use any of the existing patterns or pictures when we're learning or doing in order to be more effective. Learn from familiar to unfamiliar and all that.

Level 3 - An Idea Scope
Use several of the existing patterns and pictures, as well as any new ones of your own, to create a multiple level-of-detail view of any person, situation or information, which we can conceptually zoom in to the details (i.e. a microscope), or conceptually zoom out for a more universal view (like a telescope).
