Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Tickled Pink If ...

I would love it if Zoescope could genuinely help the following groups of people ...

  1. People seeking to live a Valuable Life
  2. Parents seeking to Prepare and Equip their Children for Real Life
  3. Students (People seeking to Learn and Apply valuable Knowledge)

People seeking to live a Valuable Life
When I think of these people, which I am one of, one of our struggles is that often times we didn't "get the memo" that life can be pretty darn hard, and it's filled with pesky details. Hopefully Zoescope can help take the random, chaotic feel out of some parts of life, and give us greater ability to be effective and consistent.

Parents seeking to Prepare and Equip their Children for Real Life
This goes hand in hand with the above. There are so many basic, invaluable skills we as regular parent can pass on to our kids "as we go". It doesn't have to be a huge separate undertaking. It can happen while we live and learn to enjoy each other.

Students (People seeking to Learn and Apply valuable Knowledge, As If! )
When I think of the mountains of data that we are cramming down our children's throats, it greatly disturbs. We send them to school. We give them all sorts of details, often out of context, and hardly ever with genuine application, and then we expect them to be productive citizens of society (as opposed to pleasure enjoying self-focused solely individuals).

This may sound a bit harsh, and need some toning down for public consumption, but hey, it is what it is :)

I need your help in finding how to communicate and apply Zoescope!



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