Friday, August 29, 2008

Poverty of Attention

"A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention."

cognitive psychologist Hebert Simon

Found at review of Glut

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Book - Informal Learning - Jay Cross

Found Jay Cross via Dave Gray Unbook blog

Blog (missing an a)



Informal Learning book at Amazon published by Pfeiffer
Informal Learning in 10 minutes

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beautiful Natural Photography

Found via Wikipedia article on Aristotle while researching the major categories with which we think about the world. The author has a great Table of Contents page here.


I did not know that we could "see" the Milky Way from the Earth. Wow!

Cool "Infographic" of A Historical Map of Olympic Medals

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Power of Maps by Denis Wood

Book is recommended by Dave Gray at Amazon in Visual Thinking category.

Something to consider ...

Gain Perspective, Be More Effective

Is gaining perspective more familiar than gaining context? I think so. If we're talking about story, then a professional may say, "What is the context?". But if we're just talking with one another, a friend might suggest that you need to "gain a better perspective" on an issue.

So a quick summary of what CLiC Pictures can do for you is ...
  • Gain perspective
  • Be more effective

Center of the Universe Syndrome

Great use of metaphor from a 'testing' article.

There was a time when it was commonly believed that the earth was the center of the universe. It was a reasonable belief that made perfect sense from our perspective. It's not like at the time we could look through a giant telescope, or launch a deep space probe to get a different point of view. I actually think that this "Center of the Universe Syndrome" is natural. Given no reason to do otherwise, why wouldn't a person look at something from his own perspective?

Unfortunately, this Syndrome is not particularly helpful to a tester who is genuinely concerned with software quality. To really have a positive impact on quality, I think testers would do well to consider the following before deciding that the team or company doesn't care about quality, or doesn't take testing seriously:
  • Someone, somewhere, is paying for this team to develop this software. In most cases that someone considers a profitable project to be of acceptable quality.
  • Few developers would have jobs if not for that someone paying for them to develop software for the purposes of making a profit.
  • Even fewer testers would have jobs if it weren't for those developers trying to build software for 'the someone' looking to earn a profit.
When all is said and done, in many organizations the test team is no more at the center of the universe than the Earth's moon. Think about it. In your team, does the test team (the moon) orbit the development team (the Earth), which is guided by the gravity of the business (the sun), which in turn is weaving a path through the universe of business, finance, and competitive pressures? If so, maybe it makes sense to think about the things you can influence -- such as testing methods, improved communication and test prioritization -- as opposed to things you probably can't -- like budget, business priorities, and contractual obligations.

That is similar to how the Earth's moon influences tides, causes solar eclipses, and inspires awe and a spirit of exploration in the inhabitants of Earth, but it doesn't seem to feel as though it isn't taken seriously because it can't change the direction that the Earth orbits the sun.

Article by Scott Barber at

Aside ...
Are you the center of your universe?
Is it even your universe?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Stick Figures are cool!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Summary of Current Pithy CLiC Thoughts

Using just ...

a small set of ideas

we construct ...

a place for every idea

with which we we can ...

consider, connect, create

with ...

anyone, anytime, anywhere.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008


And there's another one!

This is reviewed by Chuck Frey. And I found it via his conference site.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


This tool is recommended by What is a visual thinker to do?


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Business Model Innovation and LifeStyle

I snagged these images from a slideshow created by Alex Osterwalder via a blog entry posted by Dave Gray.

This visual model also fits perfectly in the center of the LifeStyle CLiC Picture.

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Macroeconomics and LifeStyle

Cool visual found at Wikipedia under Macroeconomics.

This fits in the LifeStyle CLiC Picture quite well.


From a Small Set of Ideas to Anywhere and Anytime

From a rather small set of ideas, we can identify a location anywhere in the Universe.


Astronomical Body
Black Hole


From a different and still rather small set of ideas, we can identify anytime in the history of the world.

Second, Minute, Hour
Day, Week
Month, Year, Decade
Century, Millennium

Relative 'Location'
Past, Present, Future

Can we do the same conceptually? I propose we might be able to. From a small set of ideas to a place for any idea ... a place for every idea.

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A Place for Every Idea

As the old adage goes for organizing things,

A place for every thing, and
every thing in its place.

Can I be so bold as to suggest that CLiC Pictures can provide ...

A place for every idea ...

Or at least ...

A context for every idea

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Monday, August 11, 2008


A new Web 2.0 tool. Anyone using it?
Mind Mapping

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Saturday, August 09, 2008

David Armano Logic+Emotion

From "Blogs are Free Samples of Your Brand"

CLiC Pictures - Equip 2nd Take

Any thoughts on which image?

CLiC Pictures - Equip Yourself for Life

There is a 'flow' to learning CLiC Pictures which can help us in every part of life.
  • Learn the Core parts and patterns
  • Which then support our understanding and using the Life patterns and pictures
  • Which inform our appreciation of the Big Concept pictures and parts
  • which then ...

Friday, August 08, 2008

Grove and the TPM - Team Performance Model

Interesting example of a visual model diagram ...

Time ... left to right
Freedom ... top to bottom, greater to lesser

At The Grove

Team Performance

Team Performance Model

Allan Drexler and David Sibbet spent 10 years refining a comprehensive model of team performance that shows the predictable stages involved in both creating and sustaining teams. The Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model (TPM) illustrates team development as seven stages, four to create the team and three to describe levels of performance.

The stages and their key questions are:

  1. Orientation—Why am I here?
  2. Trust Building—Who are you?
  3. Goal Clarification—What are we doing?
  4. Commitment—How will we do it?
  5. Implementation—Who does what, when and where?
  6. High Performance—WOW!
  7. Renewal—Why continue?

The complete model includes keys that indicate whether or not a team has resolved the predictable issues in each stage. Unlike simpler models that focus primarily on team formation or team behaviors, the TPM not only shows how the sustaining side relies on mastering the fundamentals indicated on the creating side, it also describes the behaviors exhibited during each stage of the model. This powerful tool for developing and sustaining teams can be used as an information checklist for thinking through team development, or more formally with a Team Performance Inventory (full written report) and Team Performance Indicator (self scorer).

The Grove has developed a full range of learning guides and workshops in a Team Performance System that can be licensed.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Grove Facilitation Model

The Grove Consultants, International

Discovered via VizThink Member David Thomas.

Google Blog entry ... by David Sibbet

Triaging Information based on Know Feel Do

Do I need to ...

... Be Aware?

... Care?

... Prepare?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

XPLANE and idiagram Home Page Pictures

Isn't it cool that even though these pictures have been developed independently, they bear a remarkable resemblance. I believe they are each laboring to depict a fundamentally human process.

XPLANE Home Page

idiagram Home Page

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Monday, August 04, 2008

Forms, Fields, and Flow from Dave Gray

From Dave's Site ...

In this short video (about seven minutes) Dave introduces some basic principles of visual language: Forms, fields and flows. He think of this as the “alphabet” of visual language. This set of principles is the primary set of marks you need in order to create visual meaning.


Marks and Meaning by Dave Gray

Tempted, I think so.

Version Zero at

Pros ...
- See what Dave is thinking in one piece
- Hope to collaborate with Dave some day on my work (Likelihood?)
- See and own the quality of

Cons ...
- $25 bucks for a moving target


ColorJack Color Wheel