Friday, August 08, 2008

Grove and the TPM - Team Performance Model

Interesting example of a visual model diagram ...

Time ... left to right
Freedom ... top to bottom, greater to lesser

At The Grove

Team Performance

Team Performance Model

Allan Drexler and David Sibbet spent 10 years refining a comprehensive model of team performance that shows the predictable stages involved in both creating and sustaining teams. The Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance™ Model (TPM) illustrates team development as seven stages, four to create the team and three to describe levels of performance.

The stages and their key questions are:

  1. Orientation—Why am I here?
  2. Trust Building—Who are you?
  3. Goal Clarification—What are we doing?
  4. Commitment—How will we do it?
  5. Implementation—Who does what, when and where?
  6. High Performance—WOW!
  7. Renewal—Why continue?

The complete model includes keys that indicate whether or not a team has resolved the predictable issues in each stage. Unlike simpler models that focus primarily on team formation or team behaviors, the TPM not only shows how the sustaining side relies on mastering the fundamentals indicated on the creating side, it also describes the behaviors exhibited during each stage of the model. This powerful tool for developing and sustaining teams can be used as an information checklist for thinking through team development, or more formally with a Team Performance Inventory (full written report) and Team Performance Indicator (self scorer).

The Grove has developed a full range of learning guides and workshops in a Team Performance System that can be licensed.


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