Monday, May 30, 2005


Level 1 is foundational!
Level 2 relies completley on Level 1.
Level 3 depends on Level 2 and Level 1.

If you want to improve your life at a foundational level, improve your skills in Level 1.

+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++


Desire <--> Think <--> Say (Communicate) <--> Do


Relate ... Resolve ... Relax


Home, Work, Play ...
Relationships, Friendships, Community ...
Philosophical/Religious ...

+++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

If the above progression of levels is true, the effect of getting better at the lower the level will have a wider, deeper and more profound impact on your life.

CLiCs is targeted to help you both think and communicate more effectively and proficiently. These, as shown above, are foundational skills to possess. Which then help inform and mold what you desire, which then significantly affects what gets done. Therefore impacting the four basic personal actions.

Thus, we are getting better at Level 1, which affect all areas of Level 2, which in turn improve Level 3.

Reasonably Accurate

By acquiring
  • reasonably accurate,
  • sophisticated yet simple,
Patterns for Thinking

our Lives can become more
  • effective
  • meaningful
  • and fun.

Previous Version
effective, connected, meaningful, and fun.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Another Whack

In order to make Life more
  • Effective
  • Connected
  • Meaningful
  • Fun
we need to increase
  • Order
  • Consistency
  • Simplicity

Instead of random and disorganized

Doing things and thinking about things in a consistent reliable way, instead of winging it much of the time.

The ability to see, understand, and communicate the entire 'thing', or all of the 'things'. To see each thing in context.

"Simplicity is understanding of the whole. It generates excitement.
It's easy to view. Simplicity is timeless."

Above quote is from the book, Simplicity, by Bill Jensen

Zoetic Technology

Zoetics is a technology
to help us be more effective, connected, and have more fun,
by cutting through the chaos of life.


will help us be more effective, connected, and have more fun,
by cutting through the chaos of life.


Zoetics is a technology
that helps us cut through the chaos of life,
and thus be more effective, connected, and have more fun.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Tools ...

Contain/Support (Secure)

Another Take on Vision / Mission

Equip to Live


Equipped to Live Well

Learning using a Root System

Another metaphor to appreciate Zoetics and Zoescope ...

You can think of the Z visuals as part of a root system of a tree. The
big roots provide secureness and the little roots grab the nutrients
and water as they pass by in the soil.

As we learn, we need big roots to hold onto what we know and do, we
need little roots to capture what we are learning and receiving.

Instead of seeing information as water flowing through a pipe, and it
just blasting past us, if we use Zoetics and Zoescopes as "root"
systems, it gives us another opportunity to catch good information and
knowledge as it passes by.


Tree Root Systems

Tree roots serve a variety of functions for the tree. Roots absorb and
transfer moisture and minerals as well as provide support for the
above ground portion. There are two basic types of roots, woody and

Nonwoody roots are found mostly in the upper few inches of soil. The
primary function of these roots is to absorb water and nutrients.

Woody roots are large lateral roots which form near the base of root
and stem (the root collar). The primary purpose of these roots is
support and anchorage for the tree. They also provide water and
mineral transport as well as carbohydrate storage.

From an external website

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Nothing Else But Words

So difficult it is to show the various meanings and imperfections of words
when we have nothing else but words to do it with.

-John Locke, philosopher

Hmm, do I smell opportunity here?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Key Points to Make

Concerning Zoetics, what are the initial key points that need to be clear?

It is general.
It is practical.
It uses both words and visuals (shapes and diagrams).

Like other general tools, Zoetics can be applied to ANY subject area.

For example, the English Language is used to discuss anything and everything. From dinner plans to community projects to philosophical debate, English is a general communication tool.

Or Building Materials such as wood, concrete, rock, glass, and steel. These can be used to construct homes, businesses, manufacturing plants, skyscrapers and churches. They are general purpose tools.

Zoetics is a General Purpose Tool. It can be used to consider and discuss any topic in the world.

Zoescopes, however, are the applied tools of Zoetics, and these are not necessarily general. One can write a Zoescope about democracy, education, or planning a wedding.

Zoetics can be APPLIED to anything. It can help us learn, communicate, and get things done, all more effectively.

Since it uses both, Zoetics can serve both Visual and Text Based communication.

Parts of Life

What good will it do you to understand the Zoetic Parts of Life?
You tell me.

Do you know the major parts of a car?
Do you know the key ingredients in your favorite entree/meal/dessert?
Do you know the components in your stereo system?

Yes, you do. Well at least for most of them.
We like it when our car works well, a meal tastes great, and the music sounds fantastic.

Do we like it when life works well? You bet your sweet bippy!
What are the key components of life?
And how Do they work together?
How often do we need to know about them, as compared to our car, stereo, or meal? (How about every moment and decision of the day!)

Good questions, huh :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Zoescope Tools to Date

The Tool Itself

Zoetic Toolset
Table of Zoetics, aka ThoughtShapes

Zoetic Principles and Practices

Original Multi-Purpose Zoescopes

Biography Zoescope
Human Individual

Operation Zoescope
Combines Together, Process, and Project Zoetics
Products, Services, Experiences
Value to the Client

Endeavor Zoescope
Progress Pattern
Decision Pattern
DVPM - Dreams, Vision, Purpose, Mission
GOT - Goals, Objectives, Tasks
PED - Problems, Events, Decisions

Zoescopes of Other Materials

Zoescopes of Effectiveness Strategies (Books, Presentations)
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", Stephen R. Covey
"Fish", Charthouse, Stephen C. Lundin
"The One Minute Manager", Kenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson
"The Road Less Traveled", M. Scott Peck (coming soon)
"The One Thing You Need to Know", Marcus Buckingham (coming soon)
"Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters",Phillip C. McGraw (coming soon)

Conceptual Environmental Landscape

Just as we learn about the major features in the environment that we will encounter, so that we know what they are and how to deal with them when we come across them.

  • Black Holes & Galaxies
  • Stars & Planets
  • Moons, Comets & Asteroids
  • Mountains
  • Deserts
  • Plains
  • Oceans
  • Rivers
  • Lakes
  • Plants
  • Animals
  • People

In the same way we can know the major features in our conceptual world as well.

See the Zoetics for the Main Conceptual Environmental Features.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Servant Leadership

What is Servant-Leadership?

“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. He or she is sharply different from the person who is leader first, perhaps because of the need to assuage an unusual power drive or to acquire material possessions. For such it will be a later choice to serve – after leadership is established. The leader-first and the servant-first are two extreme types. Between them there are shadings and blends that are part of the infinite variety of human nature.

The difference manifest itself in the care taken by the servant-first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served.

The best test, and difficult to administer , is:

do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?

And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least, will they not be further deprived?”

Taken from the Servant As Leader published by Robert Greenleaf in 1970.

Who Might Use Zoescope ...

A few thoughts on who might be served by Zoetics and Zoescopes ...

The Lead / Endeavor Spectrum

The act or an instance of exerting, especially a strenuous effort.
The use of physical or mental energy; hard work;
(Doing for the sake of achieving some end.)

Activity engaged in for enjoyment or recreation.
(Doing for it's own sake)

Cessation of work, exertion, or activity.
(Refrain from pursuing. Contentment. Being at peace with what is.)

Living Life Takes Skillful Balance

Zoescope can serve as a unique 3-dimensional inventory to track and learn the skills that we need to cultivate and master the art of living.

  1. Love and "Servant Leadership" more

  2. Labor
    (See the spectrum of Endeavor : Exertion - Play - Rest )

  3. Learn

We need to be skilled, able and experienced in each of these key areas!

"Life is about the fine art of balance.
Life is a juggling act. Juggling your work ... and your family ... and your friends ... and your extracurricular passions and ... whatever. It's about balancing your needs and dreams and aspirations. ... with what you can actually accomplish.
Those who do it successfully have mastered the art of living."

Tom Peters
The Professional Service Firm 50 ( Reinventing Work )
p. 77,78

Friday, May 13, 2005


Think. Connect. Do. Better!


Better Thinking.
Better Living.


Better Thinking.
Better Learning.
Better Communication.

Other Versions

Developing Metaphors

Whether at home, or at work, at school, in any level of our communities, or just having fun, we are ALWAYS engaged in at least one if not all three of the following basic activities:
  1. DOING
Let's look at Zoetics and Zoescope in light of these efforts ...

Work & Play ( Determine Priorities / Get Right Things Done Right )
Visual Processes
Conceptual Maps
Parts of Life
Thought Components
Thought Ingredients
Conceptual Elements of Environment
Idea Vise-Grips/Socket Set

( & Communicate )
Life Vision Goggles
Thought Organizer

( & Teach & Remember)
Information Enzyme
Idea Tele-Microscope
Idea Superstructure / Framework
Idea Tree Root System

See Tom for explanations :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

3 Dimensional Thinking

When talking to John D. today, he suggested that Zoescope sounds like 3-Dimensional Thinking.

I like that.

When we think with just "words", it is a linear, sequential process.
Zoescope gives you the ability to think in multiple directions, planes, orders, and locations, all at the same time!

When listening, reading, learning, thinking, or composing, responding, planning ...
it provides the ability to follow multiple trains of thought at the same time.
You can both compose a Context for information as well as follow or weave the thread of the present idea.

More to come ...

Monday, May 09, 2005

Define: In Problems and Goals

A problem well defined is often half solved.

Original #1
A problem properly defined is often half-solved.
Source #1

Original #2
A problem well defined is a problem half solved.
Source #2, Source #3

Zoescope and Montessori

An excerpted quote from a Montessori Resource ... Now this is what Zoescope is all about!


Education is often narrowly defined as the teaching of math, language, sciences and the arts, ...
BUT the most important subjects to be mastered are:

* how to be happy,
* how to be a good friend, and to express care through thoughtfulness and good manners,
* how to identify a problem and work hard to solve it

More than facts, we must help our children develop

* a love of learning,
* the ability to make intelligent and responsible choices,
* to concentrate and focus, and
* to do one's best to complete a task to the satisfaction of oneself rather than to please someone else.


Montessori Philosophy, AGE 3-12+ YEARS

Thursday, May 05, 2005

One Size Does Not Fit All

"The biggest mistake of past centuries in teaching has been to treat all [people] as if they were variants of the same individual, and thus to feel justified in teaching them the same subjects in the same ways."
Howard Gardner
Phi Delta Kappan, 75(7) 1994

Learning Must Be Acted On

"Learning is about taking action. It is never simply about what we put in our heads."
Peter Senge

W. Edwards Deming

Thoughts & Quotes for Future Consideration.

"He who would run his company on visible figures alone will in time have neither company nor figures."
W. Edwards Deming, 1900 - 1993

There is a great quote in the 'Four Days with Dr. Deming' book. 
Paraphrased it says,

"To stay in business, don't focus on the numbers."

See also ...

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Zoescope Definitions

CLiC = Core Life Component

CLiCs / Zoetics
, n.
A general purpose thinking tool (somewhat like a language ) which combines simple shapes, definitions, and ordered lists of concepts to facilitate thinking, communication, and action.

At essence, this thinking tool provides a new way to order and portray ideas.

CLiC / ThoughtShape / Zoetic, n.
One of the simple shapes used in the Zoetic thinking tool.

Zoetic, adj.
1) Of or pertaining to life
2) Of or relating to the Zoetic thinking tool (In this context).

IdeaKeeper / ThoughtModel / Zoescope, n.
A diagram which has been created using the shapes and strategies defined in the language of the same name.
Each diagram may be thought of as a 'lens', a 'map', a 'pattern', etc.
A zoescope may be comprised of a single diagram, or multiple diagrams, which would then form a 3-dimensional view of a subject.

spectrum, n.
An ordered list of ideas that correspond to a particular ThoughtShape concept.
(e.g. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet (ROY G BIV) are an ordered list of ideas which correspond to the concept of 'color'.)

progression, n.
An ordered list of actions that make up a sensible process.
(e.g. Ready - Aim - Fire, is a generic progression)

Which Came First ?

It's been said ...
"When the Student is Ready, the Teacher will appear."

For Zoescope, it seems the converse is also true ...
"When the Teacher is Ready, the Student will appear."

The kicker is, are we going to run into a Catch-22?
