Monday, March 31, 2008

Mastery by George Leonard

From The Book

1. Instruction
2. Practice

3. Surrender
4. Intentionality

5. The Edge - Push the envelop

From an Amazon review

The Journey

Long-term dedication to the journey - not the bottom line
Gaining mental discipline to travel further on your journey
After you have reached the top of the mountain, climb another one

Making this a life process
Being patient, while you pursue long-term efforts
Maintaining flexibility in your strategy, and in your actions
Knowing that you will never reach a final destination (in this life)


Winning graciously
, and lose with equal grace
Placing practice, discipline, conditioning and character development before winning
Realizing that the ultimate goal is not the medal, or the ribbon, but the path to mastery its self

Practice, Process, Skills

Creating deep roots
Appreciating and even enjoying the plateau, as much as you do the progress

Your commitment to hone your skills
The process where what was difficult becomes both easier and more pleasurable
Realizing that the pleasure of practice is intensified

Being fully in the present moment
Being willing to look foolish
Being courageous

Being diligent with the process of mastery
Being willing to practice, even when you seem to be getting no where
Practicing for the sake of practice


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