Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ontology, KML, and Reusable Knowledge

Zoetics is ...

  1. a foundational Ontology of Life
  2. a Knowledge Modeling Language
  3. a starter library of Reusable Knowledge Components

It is a set of thinking tools and yet
it is one, cohesive, multi-purpose .... thinking tool ...
  1. An ontology is a way to order and organize your thoughts
  2. A knowledge modeling language is a way to rearrange, express, and examine your thoughts
  3. A knowledge component Is a thought, whether simple or complex

What do you do with this stuff?
  1. Categorize / Asset Inventory / Shelves
  2. Get to Know, Understand Ideas, Concepts, etc.
  3. Use them!

Definition of Ontology

A systematic arrangement of all of the important categories of objects or concepts which exist in some field of discourse, showing the relations between them.

... When complete, an ontology is a categorization of all of the concepts in some field of knowledge, including the objects and all of the properties, relations, and functions needed to define the objects and specify their actions.

... A simplified ontology may contain only a hierarchical classification (a taxonomy) showing the type subsumption relations between concepts in the field of discourse. An ontology may be visualized as an abstract graph with nodes and labeled arcs representing the objects and relations.


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